Prep Monday—What’s Happening in September?

If you follow any kind of prepper sites or individuals, you might be wondering what the big deal is about next month. To be truthful, I don’t know.

There are generally two schools of thought about all the significant events that are taking place in September:

1. Business as usual and all the crackpots are predicting doom and gloom.

2. Doom and gloom are heading our direction and SHTF is imminent.

Me, I’m on the fence.

On the one hand, you might think all the events are perfectly fine, the government is simply taking care of us, and nothing very significant will change. Besides, the media isn’t talking about September . . .

On the other hand, the government’s job isn’t to “take care of us,” not like this, and the non-mainstream media IS talking about it. Of course, a lot of people refer to them as nutjobs, and honestly, some of them are a few sandwiches short of a picnic. And, too, we all know about mainstream media; they’re more interested in the Kardashians, et al, than actual news.

So let’s look at a “what if” scenario, but first, Google “September 2015” in quotes, just like I wrote it. Go ahead. I’ll wait.


A lot of information, yes? I don’t expect you to have read it all, or even a fraction. You should, of course, always consider the source and the probability, but really—this isn’t something to mess around with.

It’s just about a month away now that Jade Helm 15 will come to an end. Then what? Some have predicted or are expecting military maneuvers, some have chosen the date of September 15 to be the culmination of all the events of that month, and others believe that things will only begin to go downhill at that time, but rapidly get worse.

Again, I’m on the fence.

I think it’s perfectly possible. Probable? I don’t know. And therein lies my dilemma.

Any prepper worth his weight in supplies is ready or getting there. Me, I’ve stepped up my game. I have a hundred potential scenarios playing in my head, and I need to get a grip and detail the plans for perhaps 2-3 of them.

We have a place. We have supplies. We have transport and routes.

We also have a kid who just started his senior year.

If I had my druthers, I’d be packing and moving over the next couple weeks. But I can’t. The biggest issue, of course, is getting out when you need to, if you need to. Will it be possible? I sincerely hope so.

In the meantime, we’re getting organized. As I said, we have a place and we have supplies there. We have some duplicates as far as clothing or household items and such, but very little because we’d rather spend our money on things we don’t have and need, rather than more things we already have. You follow? Okay.

It’s almost time to pack up the summer clothes anyway, but not quite; so you might see us out and about in the same clothes for the next few weeks. You might notice fewer pictures and things around our house; maybe even less furniture. I hadn’t planned to move these things until we had the exact place to put them in the new house, to save moving things twice, but I’m beginning to rethink that plan.

So, well, you might think I’m nuts. Maybe I am. Some days I feel like it! But, everyone has to do whatever they think is best. If a hurricane were out in the Gulf—and I lived there—I’d be prepping for a “just in case,” right? Might look funny to those who didn’t know about the hurricane, or to those who expected the government to take care of them if something went south, but . . . might not be so funny in the aftermath.


5 comments on “Prep Monday—What’s Happening in September?

  1. Common sense works. “:)


  2. When they tell me to evacuate due to incoming hurricane, my little car and I will be on the road heading north.


  3. I don’t know about September. I’m just worried.


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