Prep Monday—Weapons

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s Tuesday. Our move to the farm has taken an unexpected turn, so that’s my excuse. Tune in Wednesday for all the details . . .

Weapons. Everyone should have one for defense.

Before you freak out over this statement, consider how many things could be USED as a weapon: canned good—yes, we all had a laugh over this Internet sensation, but think about this in the context of your home, not a classroom—heavy knickknacks, sharp knives, a large hardcover book.

Take a look around you. What if someone broke in to your home right this minute? Or what if you answered the door, expecting a religious treatise or something, and it was, instead, the bad guy?

The old baseball bat by the door is almost a cliché, but it could be effective. So, too, could a heavy object. Or a kitchen knife, if that’s the location of the break in. Almost anything can be used as a weapon, if you’re willing to grab it and get up close.

First, you have to have that mindset. Naturally, it depends on the situation—the intruder might just be annoying, or maybe he didn’t expect to find you at home and he’ll run. On the other hand, perhaps he IS bent on destruction, robbery, or death. Your death.

Mentally prepare, and have something at hand at all points of entry.

And practice. You might feel silly, but really, it could save your life or at least minimize injury; and no one has to know.

Then, of course, we have your standard weapons: guns, knives, hatchets, arrows, and so forth.

Practice daily or weekly, but practice. With firearms, you need to become familiar with the handgun or shotgun or rifle; you need to learn safety procedures and practice those EVERY TIME you bring out your weapon.

Ammo can be pricey, but you still must practice on a regular basis. Forget a quick-draw—just be ready to use it, slow and steady, if necessary. Defense consists of two prongs, if you will: mental prep and skill/ability. Even if you don’t “like” to use your firearm, you may, at some point, need to.

While handguns have less range than long guns, knives are typically used for an up-close encounter unless you become proficient at throwing. Throwing knives are, of course, different than a kitchen knife or a hunting knife; know the different and practice often. Start close to the target, and when you become consistent, move back and keep practicing. Same goes for hatchets. These are mid-range defenses.

Whatever your weapon of choice, you should strive to become proficient, and this means practice. Just like with common, everyday objects, you first need to mentally prepare to defend yourself and then have the weapon at hand—and then practice until it becomes second nature.

I know some of you will be concerned with who is to be accorded “bad guy” status. Sometimes, yes, this can be difficult to discern; pick up a psych book and do a little reading and research on signs and clues.

Most of the time, however, in spite of TV and movies, you’ll know right away that this intruder means you harm. After all, he’s already entered your home, or your space, uninvited, and he seems determined to come at you or steal from you or attack you.

This is not the time to wonder if he’s the “bad guy” or to run down a list of clues in your mind. This is the time to go on the offensive. Sure, you can wait until he makes his move, but that might be a fatal decision.

And sometimes, just a show of being well-armed with any kind of weapon is enough to deter the “bad guy.”



3 comments on “Prep Monday—Weapons

  1. Give me a short barreled shotgun or handgun any day for indoors defense and a really good knife if these are not available. And don’t bring any weapon into play unless you are already willing to use it.

    And then, use it fast and well.


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