
You see and hear about bookstores a lot in the news today, whether it’s because they’re closing or moving or raising funds or are caught up in a private party sale – or sometimes all of these. Once in a while you hear about a store expanding or opening a second location.

And, of course, there’s the famous (or infamous) ad taken out by James Patterson – who, by the way, didn’t bother to respond to my message to him. Just sayin’. And recently, Stephen King announced that his new book is ONLY coming out in print – good for him!

One of the commenters on my last blog about bookstores said I was “whiny.” Probably someone who doesn’t go into bookstores, or read – at least, thinking that makes me feel better. At the very least, he’s probably someone who has never been in business for himself and collects a nice paycheck without having to worry overly much about the company’s bottom line.

At any rate, no, I don’t think it’s “whiny” to point out that people walking into a bookstore, circling the perimeter, and saying, “I’ll be back,”  are not helping the bookstore – or any business – succeed.

So, why do you go to a bookstore? To kill time? No problem – we have a nice little seating area, take a load off. Chat with us. Have a cookie – they’re free. Rummage through The Big Red Tub – free books.

Free? No, we’re not giving away the farm. We have books and things you have to pay for too, but we like you, we really like you, and we want you to come in and hang out. And, well, buy a book. Or two.

See, we’re not only free, we’re cheap… our used paperbacks are just $3.00. If every household in our city spent just $3 a month – that’s every 30 days – things would be great! We could even expand, and offer more space, more seating, more cookies, more everything.

And hey, if used books aren’t your thing, if maybe you’ve read all that we have on the shelves, say, 10,000 or so, then we have a fantastic selection of local authors. You might even know some of them. Or, even better, stop in some Saturday afternoon and meet someone new – we have authors in the store almost every weekend.

Is that whiny? We’re not out to get rich – we do this because we love books. We’d just like to stick around for the foreseeable future.

This entry was posted in Writing.

10 comments on “Bookstores

  1. conny1109 says:

    It never ceases to amaze me Robin. People will drop $100 on shoes or a watch without blinking. But spending a small amount on a book, oh no they can’t afford that.


  2. rmactsc says:

    I love going to book stores and I try and purchase something whenever I visit one.


  3. “Whiny?” If it’s whiny to work 16 hours a day on a business, I guess maybe you are. Personally, I think you are one of the most hardworking women I know and have a great thing going with the store. The fact that you and Dennis truly are a “mom and pop” small business GIVING BACK to the community is fantastic.

    I really enjoyed my time as the local author Saturday afternoon. Not only did I get to spend the afternoon visiting with you and Dennis, I also met an online friend in person. And, if that isn’t enough, my friend, Ann, loved the store, bought a book and will be back!

    IMO, that is a win-win-win for all of us! I’m making a dent in purchasing each and every local author’s book from the store – you are growing and I’m behind – and that is a very good thing.

    Thanks to both of you for all you do – and for selling my book!

    Miss Marly


  4. Reblogged this on Marilyn Slagel and commented:
    Please support local bookstores. They truly are magical…


  5. Whine, whine, whine… Actually I prefer to wine, wine, wine 😉

    I’m terrible for wandering around bookshops and then walking out. But only because otherwise I’d spend all day in there and end up more broke than I already am!

    But I do prefer print, and supporting my local shops. My kindle is reserved for freebies and certain trilogies.


  6. melindaclayton says:

    I love our local bookstore. By the way, James Patterson didn’t get back with you? Huh. He never accepted my friend request on Goodreads, either. Must be really busy. :-p


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